A:It is not uncommon for your security clearance to be delayed, denied, revoked, or suspended when unfavorable information is listed on the applicant’s SF 86 Form or discovered during the investigation process. In fact, most agencies, not all, use similar guidelines, which can be found in the DOD Directive. Those factors include: Guideline A: Allegiance to the United States,
Guideline B: Foreign Influence,
Guideline C: Foreign Preference,
Guideline D: Sexual Behavior,
Guideline E: Personal Conduct,
Guideline F: Financial Considerations,
Guideline G: Alcohol Consumption,
Guideline H: Drug Involvement,
Guideline I: Psychological Conditions,
Guideline J: Criminal Conduct,
Guideline K: Handling Protected Information,
Guideline L: Outside Activities, and
Guideline M: Use of Information Technology Systems.